The Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Advertising
The New Zealand Stamp Collector
Our Journal. Soft cover, 34 pages, colour, perfect bound. Published quarterly (in March, June, September and December).
Posted to approximately 165 members in New Zealand, 30 in the UK, 25 in Australia, 20 in the USA, 10 in Canada and 15 others around the world. A total of approximately 265 collectors.
Also posted to approximately 10 societies/libraries in New Zealand, 5 in the UK and 5 in North America.
Exact publication dates vary so, if your ad is date sensitive, let us know that it may/will be coming sooner rather than later.
Ad copy should be emailed to the Office by the third Tuesday of the month prior to publication.
Back Cover $480
Full Page $400
Half Page $200
Quarter Page $100
Royal Lines
Our Newsletter. PDF, 1-10 pages, colour. Published (approximately) monthly.
Emailed to approximately 165 members in New Zealand, 30 in the UK, 25 in Australia, 20 in the USA, 10 in Canada and 15 others around the world. A total of approximately 265 collectors.
Exact publication dates vary so, if your ad is date sensitive, let us know that it may/will be coming sooner rather than later.
Ad copy should be emailed to the Office by the last Tuesday of the month prior to publication.
Contact the office for rates.
Email Shot
A dedicated email of your composition, sent by us to our members at a time of your choice.
Emailed to approximately 165 members in New Zealand, 30 in the UK, 25 in Australia, 20 in the USA, 10 in Canada and 15 others around the world. A total of approximately 265 collectors.
Ad copy should be emailed to the Office by the Tuesday prior to the week of publication.
Contact the office for rates.